Wai-o-tapu geothermal wonderland, Rotorua

New Zealand consists of two islands, which are quite different from one another.

The north island was created by volcanic activity, the south island by seismic activity. The north island houses over three quarters of the population, leaving the south island wild and unspoilt, and painfully, heartbreakingly beautiful (I am biased, but you'll see why).

Anyway, Rotorua is located in a very seismically active area - don't ask me for details, the science-y facts about the place, which I found fascinating at the time, have been since long forgotten. Ha!

The minute you hit Rotorua you become aware of a strong eggy smell that follows you everywhere. It's actually not as bad as it sounds, and you get used to it pretty quickly. The pool of lava that Rotorua sits on is to blame (I think).

Just outside of Rotorua is Wai-o-tapu Geothermal Wonderland, a rather grand name that kinda sorta failed to live up to expectations. Yes, weirdly coloured water and rocks and bubbling mud and all sorts of strange things going on. But I guess at the end of the day, science just ain't my thing.


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