
I actually wasn't going to bother to do a post on Auckland.

Not that I didn't like it. I did. I thought it was a rather pleasant, easy little city - especially after having spent two weeks in Perth, nursing one killer jet-lag and feeling rather lost and veeeeery far away from everything and everyone (yes, it was brutal).

But I digress. Back to Auckland.

You see, New Zealand, well it just kept getting better and better. So even though I found Davenport and Waihiki perfectly charming at the time, the truth is that I then moved on to much bigger and much better. And, until now, I hadn't thought about Auckland and Davenport and Waihiki again.

However I did spend four days there, my first four days in New Zealand, and I was pretty psyched at the time.

PS. I have no idea why the pictures have become so grainy! I'll try to fix it...


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